Finding a working bag or backpack that allows optimal organization of tools and materials is critical to finding what you need right away and avoiding wasted time.
- For an installer or maintainer, the tool bag contributes to the organization of work
- “Everything in its place and a place for everything”: a tool bag in line with the kaizen philosophy is a great advantage
- An ideal working bag or backpack must meet specific needs and concrete problems.
Why working bag organization is such an important aspect.
An installer knows that his working bag or backpack is not just an accessory but a reliable companion. To truly prove itself as such, however, the tool bag must meet certain characteristics, which we want to explore here, starting a bit from a distance.Who has never heard of the Kaizen methodology? This Japanese word, meaning change for the better, was coined by economist Masaaki Imai in the mid-1980s to refer to the philosophy behind the success of Japanese industry, particularly Toyota.

The kaizen methodology, rests on the belief that one should not be afraid of change but move toward continuous evolution, which starts from the bottom and proceeds gradually, even from small things, which is not only about correcting mistakes or what is working badly, but rather is aimed at progressive and creative simplification.
he 5 S's methodology can be applied to the workstation, to one's computer is why not even to the way one organizes one's tool bag. For an installer or maintenance worker, it is essential to be able to have a wide selection of tools and work tools on hand at all times so that any work required can be done.
There are so many items that a tool bag must contain, ranging from hand tools to boxes of parts, from impact wrenches to bulkier items such as manometers, flexible hoses, cables, level switches, hydraulic filters, level probes and small hydraulic valves . There is no shortage of extension cords and memory sticks, stainless steel tape, tablets or laptops.
From the Kaizen philosophy to the tool bag.
One of the cornerstones of this continuous improvement strategy is the rule of the 5 S's: Seiri - Separate, Seiton - Tidy, Seiso - Clean, Seiketsu - Arrange, and Shitsuke - Spread. One separates what is needed from what is unnecessary and disruptive, i.e., what causes waste of time and resources; one tidies up what is useful according to the motto "everything in its place and a place for everything"; one keeps everything constantly in order so that some lack or inefficiency is pointed out right away; one codifies procedures so that they continue to work well; and finally, one keeps attention high at all times to sustain this improvement over time. Easy to see how together the 5 S's can help raise performance and quality of work.The 5 S's methodology can be applied to the workstation, to one's computer is why not even to the way one organizes one's tool bag. For an installer or maintenance worker, it is essential to be able to have a wide selection of tools and work tools on hand at all times so that any work required can be done.
There are so many items that a tool bag must contain, ranging from hand tools to boxes of parts, from impact wrenches to bulkier items such as manometers, flexible hoses, cables, level switches, hydraulic filters, level probes and small hydraulic valves . There is no shortage of extension cords and memory sticks, stainless steel tape, tablets or laptops.
Efficiently organizing all materials requires many compartments, sections, and pockets, where each item can be arranged in its proper place.In a space organized in this way, it becomes easy not only to find the item we need, but also to notice if it is missing, thus avoiding being in trouble when we need to use it. VETO PRO PAC work bags and backpacks are created to meet these needs perfectly. Everything needed for installation and repair activities can be stowed in one of countless pockets (up to more than 50), each specifically designed to accommodate items of different sizes and shapes.
Everything is easily accessible and functionally arranged, protected by waterproof materials and overall product stability.The result is a very compact but complete tool bag, with everything you need always ready to use. These bags, not surprisingly, were born precisely after weeks of observing the work of installers and maintainers, touching all the needs and different working conditions, in order to ensure maximum practicality and safety in all circumstances. Because, as the kaizen philosophy teaches, the best solutions need direct involvement and confrontation.
Everything is easily accessible and functionally arranged, protected by waterproof materials and overall product stability.The result is a very compact but complete tool bag, with everything you need always ready to use. These bags, not surprisingly, were born precisely after weeks of observing the work of installers and maintainers, touching all the needs and different working conditions, in order to ensure maximum practicality and safety in all circumstances. Because, as the kaizen philosophy teaches, the best solutions need direct involvement and confrontation.